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Research Tools

Research links: 


This service is a collection of many databases with different types of articles and resources. Click on the link to select which EBSCO databases you want to search: EBSCO  

*To log into EBSCO databases, you'll need the username: spanawaylake & the password: sentinels20!



Britannica offers thousands of informational articles on different topics. It's a great place to find secondary sources for research. Click the icon below to enter the Encyclopedia homepage. 


Encyclopedia Britannica homepage




This site can be very helpful when you are researching different sides and opinions on controversial issues: Pro Con Website



Google scholar filters out advertisements. It focuses your searches on articles and papers that are written by scholars at universities and scientific laboratories. You still need to pay attention for bias in these sources! Click the icon below to check it out. 


Google Scholar homepage




The Pierce County Library offers access to many databases. You can use these databases to find information for research about topics ranging from Animals to controversial Social Issues. (To use the Pierce County databases, you will need your PCLS library card. Need a card? You can sign up online for a public library "eCard": eCard SignUp)

Click on the Pierce County Library icon below to go to the library's databases: 

Pierce County Library System Icon



This video demonstrates how better keywords can unlock better sources of information when you're doing database searches.

Choosing and Using Keywords



Citation tools: 


Both of these sites will help you to generate or create citations for an MLA-style "Works Cited" page or an APA-style "Bibliography" page. Click on the icons below to enter BibMe and EasyBib.



Easy Bib


For tips on using EasyBib to create an MLA Works Cited page, watch this tutorial by Mrs. Folsom.  



The Purdue OWL webpage explains different styles of citation: APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. For each style, you can look at examples of in-text citations. The OWL will show you how to format/set up a final citations page. It's helpful for checking to make sure you've put the author, title, publication date, etc. in the right order. You can also watch "vidcasts" about how to create different types of citations. To enter the Purdue OWL site, click the icon below: 

Purdue OWL logo